Non pensate male leggendo il titolo, ma a chi non verrebbe l'istinto di muoversi sentendo il sound che produce costei?
Do not think reading the title wrong, but who would not be feeling the instinct to move the sound that she produces?
Do not think reading the title wrong, but who would not be feeling the instinct to move the sound that she produces?
Lei è Sheila E. ed è un "mostro" delle percussioni. Oltre che batterista e percussionista è anche cantante e autrice di testi. Insomma un'artista a tutto tondo che ti impressiona al primo sguardo.
She is Sheila E. and is a "monster" of percussion. As well as drummer and percussionist,is also a singer and songwriter. In short, all-around artist that impresses you at first glance.
She is Sheila E. and is a "monster" of percussion. As well as drummer and percussionist,is also a singer and songwriter. In short, all-around artist that impresses you at first glance.
Sheila E.,pseudonimo di Sheila Escovedo (classe 1957) è una musicista americana la quale si è potuta reputare una delle prime master of ceremoniens di sesso femminile.
Sheila E., pseudonym of Sheila Escovedo (born 1957) is an American musician who hasbeen able to consider one of the first master of ceremoniens female.
Sheila E., pseudonym of Sheila Escovedo (born 1957) is an American musician who hasbeen able to consider one of the first master of ceremoniens female.